Saturday, November 12, 2011


The second day at the hospital.

Cam thought he would give it another try to hold brother
Beckett wasn't the happiest
Camden tried to kiss him and make it all better
(OK can that get any cuter)
Camden gave up-
Beckett did not
Later we tried it again- and they both loved it
It just melts my heart to see my boys together
Look at this baby-
I have always said that I would love to have one
child that looks like me-
Well I got what I asked for.

My Mom got out baby pics of me and
yep this is what I looked like....
We still can't get over the hair :)
I love it!

Make the best of what ya got
Justin found a recliner and football-
does it get any better

Later Beckett joined him for a little
Guy Time

I am so happy to have my family of 4