Sunday, November 13, 2011


Day 3
Camden has been coming to the hospital every morning
going home for nap
then coming back in the evening
He's getting used to the hospital-
(and the BIG Brother stickers)
Camden is obsessed with stickers and
everytime he comes to visit he gets a sticker
(note that he's wearing one in every picture)
He's a pretty happy guy
He loves his brother-
here he's sharing his graham crackers and stickers
-it's kind of a big deal for a 3 year old to share
and for Cam to share his stickers is even bigger :)

More snuggle time
Sweet baby perfection!
We got the boys matching newsboy hats....
they were both just a little to big for both of them-
oh well they will grow into them
(whether I want them to or not)

Maybe we should have gotten Daddy one too
(he felt left out)

And then...
my husband-
he totally surprised me with this!
A coach diaper bag-
I couldn't/can't believe it.
He never surprises me....ever
I absolutely love it-
and more love that he went out of his way
with me having NO idea to surprise me

I just feel so blessed- I can't even explalin