Thursday, November 17, 2011


We got to go home!
It was Monday morning and
we were more than ready to go.
(I hadn't been outside since friday morning)
When you're a C-section you have to stay
longer in the hospital-
it felt like forever

Little man all ready to go
Oh and a pic with the hat on...
even though it's to big
it's still super cute
Heading Home!

Meeting the rest of the family-
the dogs just wanted to lick/sniff him to death
Cali would not quit trying to lick him-
she got him good in this one-
note her big tongue up the side of his cheek
She acts like a little momma-
he cries, moves, or moans
she's on it
Our first night home as a family-
and Camden asks for Beckett to sleep in his bed with him-
I could go on and on and on
but really this is just such a great moment
I just love it