Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Brother love

Does it get any sweeter?
Camden is the best Big Brother
(and I was worried)
He absolutely loves Beckett so much!

If he cries
Cam says " check him"
Or gets him his pacifier.
He loves to help with diaper changes
i.e. bringing you diapers and putting the dirty ones in the trash

And if Beckett is awake
Camden says " is he looking at me?"
No matter where he's looking.

Look at this little guy
He does not look 2 1/2 weeks old-
I think it's the hair,
but he just looks like an older baby
So not the best picture,
But I caught a smile-
I love it!!!
Again if Beckett is awake
Camden is right there :)

Ps Beckett is 3weeks old here- his face is changing just a little bit
Still has all the hair :)

2 boys by myself

Ok probably not a big deal to many people,
But it was my first time going anywhere with both boys.
There will be no picture....
b/c who has time to take pictures on their first venture out
with a 19 day old and a toddler
that has never had to share his time going places with anyone but mom.

It actually went very well-
We had to take Beckett to the doctor to have his cord taken off-
I know -gross - it hadn't fallen off yet.
But that problem is solved- its gone :)
Anyway Camden was very good and listened.
Everything just takes a million times longer to do-
I thought I was organized and a planner-
but it's all getting put to the test now.

I guess practice makes perfect :)
Gotta start somewhere :)

Oh and my little chunker baby now weighs 8lbs 4oz
He's an eater

Monday, November 28, 2011

Daddy can see

Believe it people-
Daddy had LASIK eye surgery today!
We never thought he would do it-
But never say never.
Him and uncle Neal did it together
So they can better see their patients
( ha ha ha)

I got to watch the surgery
( and this was Justin's first surgery EVER)
And it was crazy cool!
The literally cutting of the cornea
( making a flap to access the tissue that needs to be lasered)
And then they lasered his eyes for approx 30 seconds each.
Doesn't seem like very long
to correct your vision- but it worked.

Justin was pretty light sensitive for the rest of the day
No pain
lots of eye drops
And some funky eye protectors to wear
( that scared Camden- he kept asking " is that you daddy?")
But a few hours after the procedure he could see pretty clear
He said just a little hazy-
But way better than before he had the procedure done.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tree Hunting

Today we took the boys hunting for a tree-
It was so much fun
A little cold
a lot of trees
that we have 2 children now
But so much fun!

Camden ran around the tree farm like a mad man
He had a blast!
Beckett stayed all wrapped up
and in his moby wrap
( which are amazing things by the way!)
I don't think Becketts face even popped out once.

As you can see here Camden was only interested in running
not taking pictures.

Camden loving riding....ok sitting on the tractor-
he's just getting so big.
Time goes by way to fast-
you have to enjoy every moment
I love these moments-
the time with my family

Friday, November 25, 2011

2 weeks

My boys!!
Oh how I love them
And how I love that they love each other.

I mean it doesn't get much better than this
Snuggling with both of them.
Cam talking to Beckett
And Beckett just staring at Cam.

And here's the 2 week old!
I know..... Pretty stinking cute

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Oh Wow!
There are so many things that I'm grateful for-
One thing I may not say enough is how lucky I am
to have Justin in my life.
He's the best husband and the best Daddy around-
and that he gave me the 2 BEST gifts EVER.
(Camden & Beckett obviously :) )
I am just so blessed to have our happy, healthy little family!

We spent Thanksgiving Day at my in- laws house-
My parents came and spent the day as well.
I love when we can all get together!
This was also the first time that most of the family
Got to meet
Beckett :)
Everyone loved him of course
and his hair too :)

Nene, Papa and us
Uncle John, Cousin Amanda, us, Tutu, Pepa, and Aunt Jojo

Starting the day sleepy :)

Flying in the sky with Daddy

Uncle John made Cam some paper airplanes- who knew they would be such a hit!

Cam and Pepa

Soccer ball time

Nene and Papa with Beckett

Camden and Uncle John playing Cars

Camden singing "on the dirt road" for Aunt Cyndi

Aunt Jojo and Aunt Cyndi lovin on Camden

A new thing that we have found
since beckett being born
is Cali will go and sleep in bed with Camden
at some point in the night-
she comes back into our room later-
but it's kind of cute

Camden's Turkey Day Art project- I love it!
I am beyond thankful for my family!

Friday, November 18, 2011

1 week old

How fast time flies-
Beckett is 1 week old
and the week went SO fast :(
Here's our littlest man just snoozin
it's what he does best

Daddy and Beckett having a little snuggle time
Camden loves loves loves his brother
they both crawled in bed with me one morning
I love this pic!
Our little family of 4
How sweet
I couldn't be happier
(Beckett is crying bc it's so windy outside-he didn't appreciate it)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

First Days at Home

How great it is!
Look at this face
it doesn't get any better
They just love each other-
melts my heart
Camden is such a Great Big Brother
I was so worried on how he would feel about the baby...
no more worries:)
Beckett's first bath at home
I don't think he was a fan.....
Camden helped with the bath
He sat at his head telling us what to do
and informed us that he was crying
to cute :)
Then he stepped in and helped-
if you call putting a soaking wet rag on his head,
it dripping into his face,
and him choking-
helping :)
He thought he was and that was all that mattered
Daddy admiring Beck's hair
it's crazy fuzzy/fluffy/soft after a bath
You can kind of see the "fluff" here

And then snuggle time with Nene of course-
everyone takes their turn-
this little man is a snuggle baby and I LOVE it


We got to go home!
It was Monday morning and
we were more than ready to go.
(I hadn't been outside since friday morning)
When you're a C-section you have to stay
longer in the hospital-
it felt like forever

Little man all ready to go
Oh and a pic with the hat on...
even though it's to big
it's still super cute
Heading Home!

Meeting the rest of the family-
the dogs just wanted to lick/sniff him to death
Cali would not quit trying to lick him-
she got him good in this one-
note her big tongue up the side of his cheek
She acts like a little momma-
he cries, moves, or moans
she's on it
Our first night home as a family-
and Camden asks for Beckett to sleep in his bed with him-
I could go on and on and on
but really this is just such a great moment
I just love it

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Day 3
Camden has been coming to the hospital every morning
going home for nap
then coming back in the evening
He's getting used to the hospital-
(and the BIG Brother stickers)
Camden is obsessed with stickers and
everytime he comes to visit he gets a sticker
(note that he's wearing one in every picture)
He's a pretty happy guy
He loves his brother-
here he's sharing his graham crackers and stickers
-it's kind of a big deal for a 3 year old to share
and for Cam to share his stickers is even bigger :)

More snuggle time
Sweet baby perfection!
We got the boys matching newsboy hats....
they were both just a little to big for both of them-
oh well they will grow into them
(whether I want them to or not)

Maybe we should have gotten Daddy one too
(he felt left out)

And then...
my husband-
he totally surprised me with this!
A coach diaper bag-
I couldn't/can't believe it.
He never surprises me....ever
I absolutely love it-
and more love that he went out of his way
with me having NO idea to surprise me

I just feel so blessed- I can't even explalin