Friday, August 17, 2012

July Update

The summer has just flown right by-
so here are some updates from July:

                          Beckett turned 8 Months old

And he started to pull himself up in his crib

July 4th:
Everyone was a fan-Camden LOVED the fireworks, he was sure to tell us
what color every firework was- it was pretty cute! He would even jump up out of his chair and yell.
Beckett was also entertained and enjoyed watching them for awhile.

We also got a special surprise: A text from Uncle Neal and Aunt Marci- Baby Demi Sue was born while we were watching Fireworks!! Yay! And welcome to the world!

                                          Brother love

The Aquarium:
Nene and Kaylee were in town so we thought we would go visit the KC Aquarium for the first time- it was a hit. Everybody enjoyed it.

 Camden got to touch some of the certain sea life - he thought that was cool
 Beckett even enjoyed looking at the fish swim

             Checking out the fish from a different view

My cute boys:
Brother love is soooo adorable
They just love each other to pieces

Matching Ties:
Shirts I made the boys for Sarah and Sean's wedding rehearsal
pretty cute if you ask me :)
Swim Lessons:
Beckett was in baby swim lessons where I got in the water with him- he loved it!

                       Camden and Sarah
 Camden on the other hand, didn't love it. He likes the water, but when he had to practice swimming, put his face in the water, go under water, go down the stairs....ok well pretty much anything except play.... he cried.
 But by the second week he was doing much better- Yay!
Ear Tube:
Finally this ear tube is falling out.
if you look really hard in this pic- you can see it.
We did end up having to go to ENT to have it removed- and have to go back in 2months just to make sure everything is good.
And that sums up July.....pretty much