Sunday, July 1, 2012

Beckett update

Woowzers! I think I say this every time, but I feel like time is flying by sooo much faster with baby #2- it's not fair :(
Here's chubs - being just adorable.
Well let's see what's going on in his world:
(since I haven't had time to blog in a looonnnggg time)
He weighs over 19 pounds now.... yep about what a 1 year old weighs :)
He loves to eat- finally figured out how to swallow his baby food and likes it.
loves cantelope, honeydew, peas, sweet potatoes.
Hates green beans, peaches, pears.
And he also has 5 teeth- and apparently likes to chew on his crib

So after finding multiple slats in his crib destroyed- he earned himself some bumper pads.

He started to crawl- well army crawl- but he is fast!
We now have  baby gates up everywhere.

He just recently got his first haircut (june 28th) sniff sniff
I didn't want to have to do it so early, but his hair just kept blowing in his eyes all the time,
so we just trimmed it. They cut about 1 1/2 inches off. He instantly transformed into a big boy.
again sniff sniff
 Here's the pre-pic
 and post- I mean such a BOG boy look to him and he's not even 8 months old yet...

The little boy is just amazing and I love hime to pieces!
He's so fun. You forget how quickly they grow and learn- I feel like he's learning quicker too, maybe b/c he has Camden to watch and play with. Having these 2 boys in my life is the best blessing ever!!