Friday, August 17, 2012

August Update

Beckett is 9 months old: 
He weighs 20 lbs 9 oz
and is 28.5 in long
Just a big boy
 He has 7 teeth, is crawling everywhere (mostly still army crawl) but he's fast
 Pulls up on everything, wants to do everything Brother does

Hot Air balloon Festival:
The boys liked this a lot, especially Camden ( Mommy too)
next year Cam and I plan to ride in one :)

Camden loves baseball:
Daddy has worked really hard to get this kid to like Bball, and well its worked
He loves it when Daddy pitches to him and he gets to run the bases and Daddy chases him.
 And he's getting good at hitting the ball- yeah!
Dinosaur Fir & Ice exhibit at Crown Center:
Camden loved this- dinosaurs everywhere, ones to look at and ones to play with.. too cool.

 He didn't want to leave when it was time to go

Beckett in some KU gear:
He's ready for some Ku BBall...
before he grows out of his shirt (it's kind of snug )

No hands:
hands are overrated according to Beckett- he loves to put his toy balls in his mouth and carry them around or just play with another toy while they are in his mouth...weird ...we know but it's pretty cute!

Sporting KC game:
It was our first game- and it was great!
Entertaining for all. Cam is really into soccer right now- so he thought it was really cool how high the players could kick the ball. And Beckett loved all the stuff going on.

 Cam loved when Sporting got a goal- the flags waving and blue streamers shot up in the air- pretty cool
 Cam was really having fun- just over the always ;) love him
Cam playing with Beckett....too cute!

Deanna Rose:
We all love the farmstead of course
Cam got to feed all the animals and Beckett got to watch...luckily he loves to do that :)

 See Happy baby

 These baby goats were crazy hungry- they were eating Camdens shirt and Justins shorts they had to move to the outside of the pen to feed the goats.
 Then Cam was just teasing them...which one should I feed.... haha
And of course he rode the pony

Well more August to come- and  Cam starts Pre-K....