Saturday, January 21, 2012

Playtime with Camden

Catching up on a a little Camden
He is a little busy body
I guess most 3 year old are.
Always playing, wanting to play, or talking about playing

The other night his friend Avery came over to play
and Caillou happened to be on at that moment in time..
I guess she loves Caillou as much as Cam does.
Oh man does anyone else watch this show- ugh!
No fun-
but I guess he does teach some good lessons
gotta look at the positives when you kid loves it so much
Anyway could hardly get them to look away for a second
and do ya think they're close enough???
Good thing each episode is only 15 minutes :)
Camden loves to build "Castles"
as he calls them.
It could be garages for his cars or just tall towers.
He got a bunch of lego duplo blocks (cars ones of course)
for his Bday
and then his friend Nathan gave him this
super cool lego table to build on and he just loves it!!
Working hard!
So I bought this playhouse for Camden
unsure if he would even like it or not
He takes Cali, Patch, Daddy, Mommy, Beckett,
and all his toys
in his house to play.
We have colored some of it-
he thinks that is super cool.
Let me just say that even though he's a boy
this is such a great thing for him to play with
I can't tell you more
You should try it
P.S. It is very large and takes up a lot of space but
it's worth it for the amount of fun it provides