Monday, January 16, 2012

B's first trip to Salina

Well I made the trip to Salina
with both boys
all by myself
(that's the key word)
no crying or puking
in the car :)

Justin was in Vegas on a Bachelor Party
and I needed the help of my Mom
for the weekend
and what a better time for all the fam
to get to meet Beckett.
It was a good weekend
(minus the crying...Beckett)
The girls loved him
and Cam loved loved loved the girls.
He probably asked them 100 times
"will you play with me"
these girls are just getting sooo big :)

And Nene with her boys
it's just too sweet!
Camden didn't want to leave to come home
he's ready to go back :)
gotta love Nene and Papas house