Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'm Back

Wow it's been so long since I have posted...
Well Beckett has truly introduced me to being a mom of
a fussy baby. We were so spoiled with Camden and what
a great baby he was...

This past couple of weeks has been very hard on all of us-
the crying, lack of sleep, the crying, unconsolable baby,
oh and the crying. I never wish a colicky baby upon
anyone- it is very hard to deal with when there is really
nothing you can do for them except try to console them,
but that only works sometimes.

It has not gone away....yet, maybe I'm just getting more
used to it now- so I am able to get on the computer
(late at night while he does sleep)
and blog. I have so many posts that I need to post-
so be prepared for a bunch all thrown in together.
They may be short, but they have to make the
blog. I'll make a book out of this blog and I want to
make sure not to leave out anything.....including our
fussy baby Beckett (who I love with all my heart).