Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Another thumb sucker

I think we are in trouble
Beckett has found his thumb...
and he did it 2 weeks earlier than Camden did.
I have been pushing the binki hard to try
to prevent this
but I guess it's going to be out of my hands.

Note: So far he has only been caught sucking his right thumb
Cam has always been a left thumb sucker
and he is right handed....
will B be a lefty??
we'll see

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jayhawk and Wildcat Love

See it can happen people
Jayhawks and Wildcats
can Love each other
Camden Loves his Friend Sloane
(even if she is a Wildcat)
And she loves him too

10 weeks old

My (Our) baby is 10 weeks old :(
He's not going to be a baby much longer :(

I just love to eat him up
all of his rolls
chubby cheeks
and all
I will say that the crying is decreasing
and last night he slept for 8 hours AND
woke up happy cooing in his bed this morning!!
This is a first for up people- so it's HUGE
here at the Weigel house!
YAY Beckett!!
Keep up the good work little Buddy!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Playtime with Camden

Catching up on a a little Camden
He is a little busy body
I guess most 3 year old are.
Always playing, wanting to play, or talking about playing

The other night his friend Avery came over to play
and Caillou happened to be on at that moment in time..
I guess she loves Caillou as much as Cam does.
Oh man does anyone else watch this show- ugh!
No fun-
but I guess he does teach some good lessons
gotta look at the positives when you kid loves it so much
Anyway could hardly get them to look away for a second
and do ya think they're close enough???
Good thing each episode is only 15 minutes :)
Camden loves to build "Castles"
as he calls them.
It could be garages for his cars or just tall towers.
He got a bunch of lego duplo blocks (cars ones of course)
for his Bday
and then his friend Nathan gave him this
super cool lego table to build on and he just loves it!!
Working hard!
So I bought this playhouse for Camden
unsure if he would even like it or not
He takes Cali, Patch, Daddy, Mommy, Beckett,
and all his toys
in his house to play.
We have colored some of it-
he thinks that is super cool.
Let me just say that even though he's a boy
this is such a great thing for him to play with
I can't tell you more
You should try it
P.S. It is very large and takes up a lot of space but
it's worth it for the amount of fun it provides

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Baby Play Date

Beckett and Alden
had their first play date
and by playing
we mean lying next to each other on the blanket
maybe Beckett's hair tickling Alden
and maybe Alden throwing a couple elbows at B :)

It may not look like it here
but Alden is about 1 inch longer than Beckett
(When we stretched them out)
it doesn't look like it here due to B's hair :)

But they probably weigh about the same
and Alden is 2 weeks older
My boy is a chub....I know
Their expressions are great!
What you're taking more pictures.....

Alden laughing and eating his fists.
Love that he can put his hands to midline
come on B.....get to work
Beckett laughing .....Alden still eating his fists
Now the throwing elbows :)
They really are friends
Can't wait for them to grow up together

Monday, January 16, 2012

B's first trip to Salina

Well I made the trip to Salina
with both boys
all by myself
(that's the key word)
no crying or puking
in the car :)

Justin was in Vegas on a Bachelor Party
and I needed the help of my Mom
for the weekend
and what a better time for all the fam
to get to meet Beckett.
It was a good weekend
(minus the crying...Beckett)
The girls loved him
and Cam loved loved loved the girls.
He probably asked them 100 times
"will you play with me"
these girls are just getting sooo big :)

And Nene with her boys
it's just too sweet!
Camden didn't want to leave to come home
he's ready to go back :)
gotta love Nene and Papas house

Thursday, January 12, 2012

9 weeks old

Oh My Goodness
Our little Chubs is 9 weeks old
I can't believe it!
I know I know
I say that every week, but it's true.
Look at him- he's huge-
He weighs a whopping
11 pounds and 15 ounces
(that's only the 50%)
but I feel like he's bugger than he should be.
I guess I can feed them well :)

Look at all those rolls
don't ya just want to eat him up
....I do

And what a Great Big Brother Camden is
He loves to read him books
it is the one of the cutest things
I just love my boys
I feel so blessed
...most of the time
(when they're being good)

Monday, January 9, 2012

I Photo

We got a new computer
an Imac
and I'm so excited to start playing
with the iPhoto
so here is my first
Our Boys

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Super Beckett

This is a game called Super Beckett
where Daddy flies Beckett in the air
chasing Camden around
while humming/singing
the theme song to Superman

It happens ever night before Cam's bath

hense the shirtless boy :)

They run down the hall, thru each room, around the dining room table
and then do it all again
and again
until Daddy tires:)

It's just to funny to watch!

Still a Holly Jolly Christmas here

In case anyone was wondering
it is still a Holly jolly Christmas here
at The Weigel House
Who says Christmas songs go away
after Christmas-
not Camden
he is still going strong with ALL of them
"Holly Jolly"

It's cute and all, but I'm done with the Christmas music :)

A couple of other cute things he is doing/saying:
If you ask him what he is doing?
"I not doing nothin"
"I just hangin out"

We are STILL trying to potty train- he pretty much is actually potty trained just not poopy trained : so he will tell you
"I can poop in my Bopper" (aka diaper)

He is very concerned with poop- who does it/ what color it is/I want to see
"Beckett made stinky butt, what color is it?"

Daddy and Cam have started a bedtime routine where they share a bowl of cereal if Cam is good-
Cam will tell you-
"Daddy and I eat Cocca Peppers after bath" (aka Cocca Pebbles cereal)- it's too cute!

And random but he calls a biscuit a "spicket" :)

The Hair

I think this is going to be something that I will always post about-
it's never going to go away,
but how does it go from

so much, soft, flat

to well this is cute bath time hair
but to this wild crazy man hair
that sticks
straight up off his head no matter what I do-
this pic was taken mid-day-
by the end of the day the hair is absolutely straight up
It's Crazy!!

OK and I just had to put a smile in there :)
Love him

Friday, January 6, 2012

8 weeks old

Beckett Jay
is 8 weeks old-
I can't believe it!!
I mean it has been a rough past few weeks,
but time really has flown by.
He's going be all grown up pretty soon.
I'm going to have to go back to work soon :(
I'm just going to have to enjoy this
little chubby precious thing
as much as I possibly can before he gets to big

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'm Back

Wow it's been so long since I have posted...
Well Beckett has truly introduced me to being a mom of
a fussy baby. We were so spoiled with Camden and what
a great baby he was...

This past couple of weeks has been very hard on all of us-
the crying, lack of sleep, the crying, unconsolable baby,
oh and the crying. I never wish a colicky baby upon
anyone- it is very hard to deal with when there is really
nothing you can do for them except try to console them,
but that only works sometimes.

It has not gone away....yet, maybe I'm just getting more
used to it now- so I am able to get on the computer
(late at night while he does sleep)
and blog. I have so many posts that I need to post-
so be prepared for a bunch all thrown in together.
They may be short, but they have to make the
blog. I'll make a book out of this blog and I want to
make sure not to leave out anything.....including our
fussy baby Beckett (who I love with all my heart).

Christmas Eve

This year Camden (and Beckett)
got an Elf on the Shelf
man who ever thought of this is so clever :)
It is the cutest little story and Elf ever!
If you little tyke doesn't have one, be sure to get one
before next Christmas-
they (and you) will love it.
Here's a pic of our Elf
who is still nameless
you're supposed to name them when they come to your home
but Camden couldn't do it this year- so maybe next year.
For those of you who don't know the story
The elf watches you all day
and at night he flies to the North Pole
to tell Santa how you have been-
so when you wake in the morn the Elf is in a different
place in the house.
It's cute to see the kids wake up and want to
go looking for the Elf first thing in the morn :)
Christmas Eve my parents came down and stayed with us
Beckett is getting a little Nene loving
This was the first year that Camden got to make cookies
for Santa
he also left some carrots for the reindeer.
He was so excited for Santa to come!


Oh my goodness
It so crazy to me that I have 2 amazing boys
that look so different
but they're both stinkin adorable :)
This was one of my favorite pics of Camden and Daddy
So of course we had to repeat it with Beckett and Daddy
B has so much more hair and is just bigger
Both these pics were taken when they were just days old

Look at little bald Camden

And Beckett with all this crazy/wild hair
I just never knew thought that I would ever have
2 boys that were so different
I love it
I have 1 little Justin and 1 little me

Holly Jolly Christmas

Christmas was so much fun with a 3 year old!
He is a rockstar at opening presents-
who knew
He was so excited that Santa had come to visit him and Beckett
and that he had eaten his cookies and drank his milk-
but he had left some crumbs and that was a little concerning to Cam
Beckett was happy, but didn't care about presents :)
We hosted the Holiday
It was so nice to have everyone to our house
so we didn't have to get the little guy out.
Here's his first Christmas picture.

He was pretty happy most of the day
getting some lovin from everyone.
Who wouldn't want to love on this face :)
Daddy fried a delicious turkey for everyone
The only pics I really got of Camden were of him opening presents
he was so excited everytime he opened one-
He would say what the present was
and he's so polite- he would say Thank you to whom ever gave it to him

He loves games and he loves Superwhy

And he really loves
Uncle John!