Friday, July 22, 2011

Little Update

Just a small update so far-
Camden is wonderful-
He's growing up so fast and gets more fun everyday.

He's learning his alphabet right now-

He can recognize alomost all of the alphabet-

Justin and I are SOOO proud of him.

(Not sure exactly what he's supposed to be doing at 2 1/2 years old,

but we think he's super smart :) )

He loves to read letters everywhere-

especially if you're wearing clothes with writing on them

(sorry about the weird double spacing issue-computer is being silly)

Baby is doing great,
but my placenta and angry uterus arent helping anything.
Placenta is still very very low-
so they are watching it closely-
We get anouther sono at the end of this week.
And uterus just contracts a lot-
I mean a lot (for only being 23 weeks)
Some are painful/uncomfortable and
others are just annoying.
We will be sure to keep eveyone updated as we progress along

Here's a few pics of our little family

Camden wearing Mommys shoes-
I remember when my brother and I were young
and would do this with my moms shoes-
so I had to post it-
too cute!

And the newest pics of Baby

He's still a boy-
since we founf out so early
some people weren't sure to believe it or not

And here's the 4 chambers of his heart-
Being a NICU nurse-
I thought this was cool

And of course proud Mommy and Daddy