Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Amazing Camden

OK so I know every parent thinks their child is the smartestbut Camden is REALLY the smartest. So I mentioned before that he is working really hard on his letters-this kid loves letters. We would have never thought that "letters" could take the place of cars, but they have :)

His favorite show to watch is Word World if your kiddos haven't seen it- they should totally watch it. He asks for it all the time-We practice "letters" all the time. He doesn't have his alphabet completely down yet, but if you put any letter in front of him-he can recognize it! Amazing! (ok he doesn't always get V, Q, and Z correct)

I don't know at 2 years 8 months what all he should be doing, but we think he's an Einstein. We have it on video (of him saying letters)but we don't want to completely bore you with our excitement-so this post will do for now :)

From A proud Mommy & Daddy