Friday, July 29, 2011


OK so it wasn't really fireworks....Our oven caught on fire (on the inside of it). A burner was sparking and flaming-and Camden called it fireworks

The oven was preheating and the burner went out-Once the sparks/fire started we shut the oven off, but that didn't solve the problem-

SO what do you do?

Well apparently I need A how to own a home 101 class-b/c I would l have poured water on it if I was home alone-good thing I wasn't!

Justin informed me that water was the last thing you want to put on an electrical fire-Well -I didn't know this- Now I do, but I didn't then (go ahead and make fun)

Anyway he had to shut the breaker off for the sparks/fire to go away-and the oven was out of duty for a couple days.-----SCARY-----is all I have to say-

Thank goodness for great Husbands!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Amazing Camden

OK so I know every parent thinks their child is the smartestbut Camden is REALLY the smartest. So I mentioned before that he is working really hard on his letters-this kid loves letters. We would have never thought that "letters" could take the place of cars, but they have :)

His favorite show to watch is Word World if your kiddos haven't seen it- they should totally watch it. He asks for it all the time-We practice "letters" all the time. He doesn't have his alphabet completely down yet, but if you put any letter in front of him-he can recognize it! Amazing! (ok he doesn't always get V, Q, and Z correct)

I don't know at 2 years 8 months what all he should be doing, but we think he's an Einstein. We have it on video (of him saying letters)but we don't want to completely bore you with our excitement-so this post will do for now :)

From A proud Mommy & Daddy

Friday, July 22, 2011

Little Update

Just a small update so far-
Camden is wonderful-
He's growing up so fast and gets more fun everyday.

He's learning his alphabet right now-

He can recognize alomost all of the alphabet-

Justin and I are SOOO proud of him.

(Not sure exactly what he's supposed to be doing at 2 1/2 years old,

but we think he's super smart :) )

He loves to read letters everywhere-

especially if you're wearing clothes with writing on them

(sorry about the weird double spacing issue-computer is being silly)

Baby is doing great,
but my placenta and angry uterus arent helping anything.
Placenta is still very very low-
so they are watching it closely-
We get anouther sono at the end of this week.
And uterus just contracts a lot-
I mean a lot (for only being 23 weeks)
Some are painful/uncomfortable and
others are just annoying.
We will be sure to keep eveyone updated as we progress along

Here's a few pics of our little family

Camden wearing Mommys shoes-
I remember when my brother and I were young
and would do this with my moms shoes-
so I had to post it-
too cute!

And the newest pics of Baby

He's still a boy-
since we founf out so early
some people weren't sure to believe it or not

And here's the 4 chambers of his heart-
Being a NICU nurse-
I thought this was cool

And of course proud Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Ok Ok Ok
I got super excited on how the car picture turned out
so I wanted to finish them all

Here ya go- I'm very pleased with the results

And lastly- the name frame
and No this isn't his name for sure
(but it's Camden & I's choice right now)
I had to try a name out and see how it turned out-
I now know that I have to make the letters a little bigger
they all seem to run together a little-
since it's made of all dots

Hope you like my projects

Monday, July 11, 2011


Alright so I've had a couple of requests
to see what the nursery is looking like
It's not done and I didn't plan on showing it until then,
but here's a peek

This room used to be a dark blue-
so it was no fun covering it up with light colors
We painted all the trim white,
put up new blinds,
hung a new ceiling fan,
painted the white and tan walls,
and now are working on the chair rail-
(which is white too)
and it will separate the 2 colors.

I love the bright clean look that this room has
and we'll just add blue accents


Here's a project I am working on-
I have changed my mind a few times,
but I found a crib sheet that I really like

The sheet is lying across the top of this pic
I made a copy of the car, truck, and airplane
blew them up
will trace them onto scrap book paper
use the blue paper for matting
and place it in the 12X12 frame

Here's how the first one turned out
I was a lot more time consuming than I thought,
but I'm very happy with the result

I will keep you all posted on the rest


I just thought I would share that last night
(21 weeks preggers)
I had a very vivid dream that we had a girl.
I hope these type of dreams happen to all pregnant women-
We have had 3 sonos that show him as a boy-
I go to the doctor again on friday
(and get another sono)
so I think I will ask them to just make sure one more time
that he's a boy

By the way he is an active little man in my belly-
he likes to get any attention of other people
so he shows off a lot
(especially for Daddy)

Can't wait until it's time for him to come

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Daddy and Cam time:
Daddy bought him a Cars (imagine that) slip-n-slide
and let's just say he LOVES it

Taking time out for a drink :)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Brother love

Ok this is so stinkin cute- I had to share with everyone-
Cam giving his brother a kiss :)
or "Baby Beckett" as Camden calls him
The baby doesn't have a for sure name yet-but Beckett is in the running
(we just need to convince Daddy)

And these pics just had to be shared too
Cam wearing a pair of Daddy's Prada sunglasses

peek-a- boo

and of in hand too

Again I could just eat him up!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


OK- first off just look at this face- I just love it sooooo much!
Don't ya just want to pinch those cheeks?

Ok really I wanted to post b/c Camden is getting freckles-
I have a ton and Justin has a bunch too-
Cam has always been so fair skinned- we didn't think it would happen
but here they are!

A few in a line on his nose

and some on his cheeks too

Can cuteness get any cuter?