Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Guess who's 5 months old

Happy 5 Months
I know I day this all the time
but STOP growing.
It's going by way to fast.
I need you to slow down just a little bit.
I'm loving every second of you, but I feel like I need more.
Just look at you
Well let's see
you are rolling over back to front
(not front to back yet)
you have 2 fully in teeth
you smile all the time
are sooo ticklish...everywhere
giggle a lot
still have crazy hair
love your brother, your Mommy and your Daddy
Don't like to nap in your carseat, really only in your bed
(not even a snuggler :( )
go to bed at 730 wake around 630
practicing sitting up, but as you can see in the pic above-
not good at it yet
here's a pic of the hair
business in the front, party int he back- as Daddy calls it
Just over all a very happy baby!
We are so blessed to have you in our lives
I used to always wonder how I would ever be able to love 2 children
And there is just no way to even explain how it just happens
God gives you enough love-
I'm still able to love both my boys more and more everyday-
it's amazing!
I don't know what I would do without you in my life!
I love you Beckett Jay