Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Good Job Jar

This is our Good Job Jar
OK it's Camden's Jar, but I made it for him.
It's a reward system for him b/c of some behavioral issue we are having with him.
Here's how it works:
When he does a good job on anything
i.e. listening, following directions, helping out, being nice....
he gets to put a marble in his jar
but when doesn't do a good job at any of the above- he has to remove a marble.
Pretty simple. When the marbles reach the ribbon
(which the ribbon is actually much lower now- we realized that it would take him way
too long to fill this jar) he gets a special prize and this time he has chosen to get a "Gordon" the train from Thomas the train (that's a sticker of Gordon attached to the ribbon)- so he's pretty excited to get marbles in the jar.
But it's still not a quick process- He's trying really hard!

Let me back up a little bit so I can make sure I blog a little bit about Camden and his behavioral issues....It's not the terrible 2's- It's when they are 3 that something goes wrong..terribly wrong.

Well it all started around time change in March (March 11 to be exact but whose counting the days) I just thought he was tired due to time change, but it didn't go away and then he started to throw these fits. Out of controls on the floor fits, and these yes/no games- yes I have to potty no I don't- yes I'm hungry no I'm not- so on so forth. And these little arguments could go on for a bit- then you realize your the parent and why are you arguing with a 3 year old- ugh!

Well you don't want him to wet the bed- and then he's crying and your sending him to bed- you (the parent) feels bad. And you don't want to send him to bed hungry b/c then he's crying laying in bed yelling "I'm hungry"- I know ...right- what's the right thing to do- ugh!

So he's 3- and we had to figure something out- so we revamped time out- it was no longer in his room where he could be comfortable in his bed and have his woof woof and blanket- it's now in the hallway where he hates it- and he can see that we are all still getting to have fun and he's missing out.

We pulled him out of school for 2 weeks (he only went on tues/thurs) b/c we, his dr, and parents as teachers all thought that he could be picking up some bad behaviors from school, other children.

Bedtime has now been 8:00 instead of 8:30

He does loose toys when he throws his temper tantrum fits- they get taken away and put into his closet and he has to earn them back- his tantrums are hitting and kicking the walls and floor while he's in time out, yelling at the top of his lungs.- it's great! If any of you want to come over and help out....your welcome to come over anytime :)

And we added the Good Job Jar! Positive Reward System :)

After 2 weeks of all of this- I can say that he is better- definitely not cured of being 3, but better. So next week he will be going back to school and we will just go from there. I sure hope that some of you reading this are going thru the same thing- or at least have gone thru this- I love love love advie or helpful hints - so send them my way!

Camden Mommy loves you!! I know this is just a phase and this to shall pass