Saturday, April 7, 2012

Deanna Rose we're back!

We love love love Deanna Rose
So excited that it is back open again
Our first visit this year was as a family :)
And even more exciting was that Camden is old enough this year
to ride the pony's
man was he excited!
He just jumped right up there
held on and went for a walk
Didn't even care that we weren't walking with him.
Not sure if I should be so happy and proud
that he's growing up
or worried that he just went with strangers.....

What a BIG boy
He loved it!
Him and Daddy feeding the baby goats
He just loves animals- it's great!
I think Beckett had a good time too
The closest an animal got to B
was a big goat tried to eat the handlebar of the stroller
when I wasn't looking-
you've gotta watch those things :)

It was actually this big one-
he was kind of mean
pushes all the other ones of out the way to get the food
It was a fun visit-
can't wait to go back again!
What a great Family day!