Friday, February 24, 2012

Oh Brothers

These boys just adore each other to pieces
I can't wait until B gets older
and they can really play together.
I really can't say who loves who more at this point.
Camden loves to talk to and play with Beckett, but
Beckett can't take his eyes off Cam when he's awake.
It's adorable!!
Camden still wants Beckett to take a nap with him in his bed....
hum.... not yet buddy
They laugh at each other
And Cam loves to give hugs and kisses
I hope this love lasts forever

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mommy's first day back to work

Can we all cry together...
It was a rough day for Mommy,
I think the boys (all 3 of them) did fine-
it's always harder on Mom :(

Beckett decided to start taking bottles again
(he had stopped about a week ago)
Camden's fever is gone
(Thank goodness for antibiotics)
Justin's morning was just busier than normal
(but he made it out of the house alive)
And Sarah is just Amazing
(Thank you Lord for wonderful people like her!)

And here's the little chubs that I missed so much-
man I could eat him up!
(I missed Camden too, but it's my first time leaving this thing- so I had to throw a pic of him in here)

And then when I walked in the door Camden greeted me at the top of the stairs with
a BIG "I missed you Mommy"
It about made me cry and
then he said that him, Daddy, and Beckett got me sweet!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day!!
From the Weigel Boys

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cam loves Sarah

Camden is in love...
Sarah is just....lets say
Camden might just think that she is all his-
that she is his personal assistant/friend/toy-
brought here just for him :)
it's too cute.
He is so excited to see her when she comes over,
and when she's not here he asks if she can come over.

Here they are building the tallest tower/castle (as cam calls it)
in the world!

This boy truely loves her
she has even made his prayers at night
I mean that is super cute!!
We feels o blessed to have found such a great Nanny!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Beckett Jay got Baptized

Beckett Jay Weigel
got baptized today
February 12,2012
at Corpus Christi Catholic Church
Beck with Mommy and Daddy
Father Mich blessing Beckett
Lovin on Aunt Cyndi
(Beclett's Godmother)
Uncle Tim( Beckett's Godfather)
Aunt Jenni, Kaylee, Annabell, Elizabeth, and Camden
Us with Father Mich
(He also baptized Camden- pretty neato)
Add Godparents
Add Grandparents

It was such a nice day
so blessed that our families were able to come together-
Thank you everyone!
We love you all so very much!
Bless you Beckett Jay Weigel

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Look who's 3 months old

Beckett Jay is 3 months old today!!
I just can't believe it-
he's getting so big, such a little personality,
loves to smiles, can sometimes get a giggle out of him,
he loves his Daddy, and his big brother even more,
but he is truly a mommas boy
(for right now)
and I'm going to enjoy every moment while I can :)
See he's very serious here-
It's b/c he can't see my face- I'm behind the camera
then you do a little peek-a-boo with him
from behind the camera and you get this
Love It
Camden wanted to be in the pictures too
So of course
so more of
Cam is just lovin the camera
model in the making
(Beckett couldn't see me- so he wouldn't smile again)
Camden loved this pose
He thought it was super cool that brother was
lying on top of him
So fun!!
And can't believe 3 months has gone by
Love them!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


they're just so darn cute!
I'm sure I'm going to blog about "brothers" often.

So Cute
So Different
Big Bro
Little Bro
we're unsure which is which :)
Camden is eating Beckett's hair
(not on purpose- his hair is just everywhere)
(side note:look at that double or triple chin- Oh Man!)
But he still loves him so very much!
Brothers are just the best!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Potty Trained

Yep the title of this post is correct.
Today was a HUGE day for Camden
It was the first day for him to go to Preschool
in Big Boy underwear
and he didn't have any accidents!!
We couldn't be more proud!
It only took....what feels like forever,
but we finally made it to the point that we
are not turning back.

And now for a few more Camden things.....
Look at this little precious thing
could he love this stuffed dog (aka Woof Woof) anymore?
He always has to make sure he has covers too.
It's pretty cute-
good thing he only sleeps with this dog :)

Camden will still tell you/anyone that Beckett
came out of my tummy
(random, but cute)
and "still" is the key word here-
B is 12 weeks old now.
Well today he asked me if there was another
baby in my tummy.....
I hope it just his little mind turning, not that he thinks
my belly is big like it was while I was preggers :)
And then later in the evening he told me he had a baby in his tummy

This hasn't happened in a week or so,
but I am breastfeeding Beckett-
so Camden knows all about it-
well he had his shirt off one day and pointed to his
nipples and said that he was going to breastfeed.
I'm not sure what he was going to feed,
but these kiddos are just little sponges

I just love how he is growing and developing his own little
personality. 3 year olds just speak so freely... all the time- it's adorable!
I love him so much!
Don't grow up to fast Cam

Monday, February 6, 2012

Meet Sarah

We couldn't be more excited-
We have a nanny!!
Everyone meet Sarah!
She is amazing and we already love her so much!

Camden just loves her to pieces
he can't wait for her to get here in the mornings to play,
and when it's time for Daddy to leave for work..
No more being sad, walking Daddy to the door,
saying I don't want you to go to work-
It's "Bye Dad" with a wave goodbye.
It's super cute and we are all super happy!
Welcome to The Weigel Family Sarah!
P.S. She also has a Shar-pei- how random right....
Cali is going to love having someone who looks just like her to play with :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Beckett is finally big/strong enough
to play in this little play gym/bouncer.
He can only do short amounts of time right now,
but he really likes it.

his feet don't quite touch yet,
but we stick a pillow under him and
he can stand on it and
start to jump all he wants

But look how grown up he looks in it-
I don't have a little baby anymore :(
Oh and this pic just had to make the blog-
B loves his Jayhawks!!
(Thanks Nene)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Super Camden

And here's Super Camden!!
He has become such a BIG boy
and A BIG Brother (as he will tell you)
I love it!!
Such a fun age ( most of the time)
he does have some terrible 3's.
He is starting to like Batman/Superman
So he asked me for a cape like Batmans we went into my closet and found a t-shirt of Daddy's
(sorry Daddy)
cut it apart and made it into a cape

=Super Camden
only his cape is white and Batmans is black
(I only had so much to work with)
Cam wanted a star with a C in the middle on his cape
so that's what he got
pretty cute and creative.
Proud Mommy :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

12 weeks old

Trying on accessories (OK just some hats) this week
Daddy says NO to bows :(

Man it's hard work being a baby model
I just can't get enough of him

IVC Model?

We really just might have the next IVC baby model
(watch out Camden and Sloane)
here are some pics from a quick
little photo shoot Beckett and I did.
I didn't get all the shots I wanted, well
b/c B runs the show
and when he says he's done
that means he's done
So enjoy them
b/c they are stinkin cute!!

Some of his expressions are just

OMG he's just so cute!!
He wanted to taste test the frames
....yep they're good
I mean really- could he get any cuter :)

OK these last 2 just crack me up
bright yellow binkie-
yep he was wearing down

And like he needs anything in his hair
to help it stand up any higher
Hope you enjoyed the show