Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Toddler Talk

Camden says some of the funniest things
I guess that comes with being 3 years old.
I wanted to post about them so that I can have them
written down forever :)

*This was during a conversation between Cam and Daddy at breakfast
Daddy: "you're needy"
Cam "No, I'm Camden"
*When Justin had his Lasik done he had to wear these funky
eye covers when he slept-
Cam came into the bedroom
"Daddy is that you?"

*Anytime Beckett cried for the first month Camden would say
"Go check him!"

*Camden loves loves loves his little brother to pieces
so anytime Beckett is awake he is asking
"Is he looking at me?"
"I want to hold him"
1 second
2 seconds
3 seconds
"I'm all done"
and that's how that goes
but it's so cute :)

*Cam loves to play on our Iphones - we have some games on them for him
so he asks
"maybe I ask you to play with my my phone?"
a little backwards, but funny

*We are practicing manners
like saying excuse me
but he says
"excuse you"
anytime he burps, etc
and not talking with his mouth full,
so he chews quickly then tells me
"mom I want to talk now"

*Camden goes to school every Tues/Thurs morning
he loves to color- they usually color at least 1 picture while he's there
Justin takes him now and Beckett and I pick him up
Every morning Justin asks him to color a pic for him
and he always says no that he has to color one
for Mommy and Beckett-
if he could only stay this loyal to his Mommy :)

*Beckett got a teddy bear
Camden calls it
"tubby bear"

*He can't wait for snow!
There are flurries outside and he wants to go sledding :)

*He is in LOVE with Santa this year
we couldn't visit him enough
"I want to leave Santa some cookies and some for me too"
at least he's honest
*This boy could be a Christmas Caroler all year round
he has got all the big hit Christmas song down!
one of his Faves
"Ya La La La La"
aka Deck the halls
also in the top running is
Frosty the Snowman
Jingle Bells
although in his version it sometimes goes like this
Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Daddy smells Beckett made the egg
Sometimes switching Daddy and Beckett up with
Mommy, Camden, Cali, Patch, Calvin, and Hudson
It's so cute!!!!

*Again he's so into Christmas this year
one of his Favorite movies is
"the train boy" movie as he calls it
aka Polar Express