Sunday, December 4, 2011

Santa Train

We took Camden on the Santa train
that ran out of baldwin City.
It's a hour long ride-
with carolers
and Santa in his own train that you get to go visit
This was Camdens face when we told him we were going to see Santa.
Daddy and him were sitting at the depot waiting to go

Here's the train we got to ride

OK He doesn't look happy here-
but he is very excited-

He got a Thomas the train toy in the depot to take and play with on the train

We got to our seats :)

Here's a pic of the carolers singing
one of the girls

(the one on the way right)
kept looking right at Cam when she would sing
and he would get a big grin on his face
and get shy and duck down in the seat
too cute
he loved the music!

Camden and Daddy playing Trains
The Conductor (or doctor) as Cam calls him

would come and get you and move you to another train to wait on

until it was your turn to go see Santa


And thank you Tutu for coming over to snuggle on Beckett so we could go