Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Camden's Xmas Program

Camden had his first program at school-
his Christmas Program
He had been practicing all week
singing his little heart out
and was so excited to go
and have Mommy, Daddy, and Beckett sitting in the chairs
watching him
So he got all dressed (super cute)
he said he looked like Daddy
(b/c he had a button up shirt on- that was too cute too)
and Beckett got dressed cute too

I just had to put this one in too-
Camden just loves Beckett to pieces
its great!
The Program was just starting
they were walking in-
you could see how nervous he was-
( there were a lot of people there)
then he saw me and didn't want to keep walking

He did make it up to the stage
but not for long
This is 1 of 2 pic that I have of him actually up there-
he was so upset/scared
he had to leave the stage before they even started singing
and come and sit on my lap

Here's the other pic-
Poor guy
nerves got the best of him
Santa even came to visit at the end of the program
and he didn't want to go and see him.
maybe next year :)

Toddler Talk

Camden says some of the funniest things
I guess that comes with being 3 years old.
I wanted to post about them so that I can have them
written down forever :)

*This was during a conversation between Cam and Daddy at breakfast
Daddy: "you're needy"
Cam "No, I'm Camden"
*When Justin had his Lasik done he had to wear these funky
eye covers when he slept-
Cam came into the bedroom
"Daddy is that you?"

*Anytime Beckett cried for the first month Camden would say
"Go check him!"

*Camden loves loves loves his little brother to pieces
so anytime Beckett is awake he is asking
"Is he looking at me?"
"I want to hold him"
1 second
2 seconds
3 seconds
"I'm all done"
and that's how that goes
but it's so cute :)

*Cam loves to play on our Iphones - we have some games on them for him
so he asks
"maybe I ask you to play with my my phone?"
a little backwards, but funny

*We are practicing manners
like saying excuse me
but he says
"excuse you"
anytime he burps, etc
and not talking with his mouth full,
so he chews quickly then tells me
"mom I want to talk now"

*Camden goes to school every Tues/Thurs morning
he loves to color- they usually color at least 1 picture while he's there
Justin takes him now and Beckett and I pick him up
Every morning Justin asks him to color a pic for him
and he always says no that he has to color one
for Mommy and Beckett-
if he could only stay this loyal to his Mommy :)

*Beckett got a teddy bear
Camden calls it
"tubby bear"

*He can't wait for snow!
There are flurries outside and he wants to go sledding :)

*He is in LOVE with Santa this year
we couldn't visit him enough
"I want to leave Santa some cookies and some for me too"
at least he's honest
*This boy could be a Christmas Caroler all year round
he has got all the big hit Christmas song down!
one of his Faves
"Ya La La La La"
aka Deck the halls
also in the top running is
Frosty the Snowman
Jingle Bells
although in his version it sometimes goes like this
Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Daddy smells Beckett made the egg
Sometimes switching Daddy and Beckett up with
Mommy, Camden, Cali, Patch, Calvin, and Hudson
It's so cute!!!!

*Again he's so into Christmas this year
one of his Favorite movies is
"the train boy" movie as he calls it
aka Polar Express

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Party

Every year we have an Ugly Sweater Xmas Party
at our house- both boys were just so stinkin cute I just
wanted to post a few pics
I mean really -just look how cute and grown up he is
ok and he looks onry here
But he's still my big boy
I could just eat him up
and now this new little chub
check out that chin
or two
and both of them
oh man..........
and just one pic of everyones kiddos-
it gets kind of crazy around here
b/c there are so many of them-
and at all ages-
as you can see nobody was interested in taking pictures
but it is so much fun to have them together!
Oh the Memories!

Friday, December 16, 2011


As it gets closer to Christmas we of course had to go see Santa again
We went to bass Pro Shop-
they have the best Winter Wonderland.
Cam saw Frosty-
he loves the song "Frosty the Snowman"
He can't wait until we get some snow to build a Frosty-
so anyway he was one of our many pit stops
before making it to Santa

One of his other favorite things was this train track
He is in love with Trains
one thing he asked Santa for is a "Spencer" train
from thomas the train.
anyway this track let the kids turn it on and off
he thought it was really cool.
And of course the wonderful Santa!

Santa even had a present for Cam-
he thought that was pretty great too!
Now he asks all the time is it Christmas yet?
too cute :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Newborn Photoshoot

Alright I'm finally getting around to putting some of
Beckett's newborn photos up...
I've been just a little busy.
nobody really told me how busy/hectic/crazy
my life would be with a toddler and a newborn.
So here ya go
I absolutely LOVE them so I hope you do too
thanks Shalaine
(Blazic Photography)

I just love it

This one looks like a senior portrait for Camden
with the way he is posing-
gotta love it too
This is my FAV
I have it blown up in our living room
This was a lot harder than you would think
to keep a squirmmy baby from falling out of this thing :)

Our little Pea Pod
Love the lip
So funny b/c this is how his lips were in all the
3D sonos
He's happy :)
Just precious!
Overall I am just in love love love with all of the pics
Shalaine thank you so much for taking the time
and a lot of time it was
to take these beautiful pictures-
your work is amazing!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Xmas Art Project

Here's Camden's small art project that we did at home for Christmas.
We traced both of their feet and made them into Christmas Trees-
you were really supposed to use paint, but I didn't have any
(and I didn't think I could get the green adn the red in the right places)
so it was much cuter to just have Cam color them :)

The Boys Bathroom

I love getting to re- do things
Re- decorate, paint, re-arrange, shopping
Well I finally got to do a little something to the boys bathroom

Here's a new shower curtain and a new rug
( Thanks to Pottery Barn Kids)
Hand towel to match
The frame was already here-
But I painted it the blue to match
And of course added new pictures of Beckett
The same with the other frame
Painted and added a pic of both boys.
Don't mind the Xmas decor
( the ribbon is supposed to make the mirror look like a present)
And a couple more blue accents
I just love that it's for the boys now
And super cute

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Tis the season!
Time to deocorate the tree!!!
Camden loved it this year,
but he thought all the ornaments were toys
( we may have broken a couple)

He loves hanging the " balls" on the tree
Luckily we invested in plastic ornaments after he was born
Beckett was not that interested -
But at least he was content
Too cute!
Just like Daddy
This is one of my favorite ornaments -
Cam made it last year at school-
It's his handprint ( minus the thumb)
Turned into snowmen
I just love it
The boys stockings-
Also too cute :)
And the finished product
Sorry this pic is so dark

Happy Holidays!!

Santa Train

We took Camden on the Santa train
that ran out of baldwin City.
It's a hour long ride-
with carolers
and Santa in his own train that you get to go visit
This was Camdens face when we told him we were going to see Santa.
Daddy and him were sitting at the depot waiting to go

Here's the train we got to ride

OK He doesn't look happy here-
but he is very excited-

He got a Thomas the train toy in the depot to take and play with on the train

We got to our seats :)

Here's a pic of the carolers singing
one of the girls

(the one on the way right)
kept looking right at Cam when she would sing
and he would get a big grin on his face
and get shy and duck down in the seat
too cute
he loved the music!

Camden and Daddy playing Trains
The Conductor (or doctor) as Cam calls him

would come and get you and move you to another train to wait on

until it was your turn to go see Santa


And thank you Tutu for coming over to snuggle on Beckett so we could go