Thursday, March 29, 2012

Easter Bunny

Took the boys to see the Easter Bunny
Neither of them were scared :)
And I got one of them both smiling (YAY!)

Camden is just such a big boy, he makes my heart melt! And my Beckett Jay- no judging on how many fat rolls my baby's a lot, but I just love it!

We are just so blessed!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Daddy's Birthday

Happy Birthday Daddy! Camden and I made Key lime cheesecake for daddy for his birthday. It was a lot of work (and ended up just tasting like a plain just ok cheesecake) but it was made with a lot of LOVE.

Cam making the crust- pounding pounding

this is Camden's favorite part- adding stuff :)

Then after we put it all together and about 2 hours later ugh! Cam got to add the finishing touches- the swirles

Design by Camden

Camden also picked the candles- the colrs, the placement, and how many- so Happy Bday Daddy- I guess your turning 5 instead of .......?.!*# We sang to Daddy- which also if you don't know is a Camden special- he just loves to do it! and then Daddy let him him help blow out the candles

Sealed with a kiss

playtime outside- in the new stroller- in his shades :)

lovin the new scooter

both boys now have swings- Cam thinks this is so cool that they can swing next to each other

So Cute!

Happy Birthday Babe! We love you

Another tooth

And here's #2
3 days later.
This shot took about 30 tries
I had Justin's help here
but poor little man was crying here
so sorry for the bluish look :)
he was mad

2 little teethers
It has been a rough week
He has been waking between 3-4 in the morn
not very happy :(
so then mom and dad aren't very happy (lol)
He likes to come and snuggle in bed with us
that seemed to help the best-
hey ya got to do what ya got to do

And this pic I took and added from
look at those teeth
He just smiled at me
and I was able to snap this pic

Friday, March 23, 2012

Science City Fun

The boys and I went to Science City with some good friends-

Mikayla, Sierra, Hayley,and Riley.

They all had such a good time :)

Here's a pic of Beckett- just wanted you to know that he went too :)

Cam playing the drums

Riley, Camden, Hayley, & Sierra

Camden loved loved loved watching the trains

So sweet (who knew that he could throw a 3 year old fit...)

it's a helicopter

digging for dinosaurs

Thanks for such a fun day Swarts!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Beckett's first tooth

you have got to be kidding me
Beckett is only 4 1/2 months old
and he has a tooth!!

This picture took me about 50 shots to get
He would not open his mouth and move this tongue
out of the way for me to get a picture.
It's his bottom left that came in,
but if you look really close
the bottom right is there
so we knew it would be coming soon too.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St Patty's Day

Happy St. Patricks Day!!

Cam on his new scooter- he loves it!

Learning how to play catch

He caught it

The boys got their new double stroller-OK I got a new double stroller, we all love it!

Love-Camden hugging Beckett

Love - Beckett starting to hug Camden

OK actually Beckett wants to make sure you all know Cam has big cheeks like he does

Are you guys watching!

B says let me squeeze them and show you :)

OK it's some true love by Camden that he let his baby brother pull and pinch his face like this and didn't say a word- I love these boys

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Zoo

My Mom, aka Nene, was in town for a bit and we went to the Zoo- Here's some pics from our adventure

Camden's favorite was the Polar Bear.


So Nene took about 10 pics- just to get this one where Cam is at least looking at the camera and Beckett, well I'm not sure what he's looking at.

Beckett and I- it was his first trip to the zoo :)

Checking out some Monkeys (go ahead Cam- jump in there- you would fit right in)

Beckett we always say how big you are- but you're not as big as an elephant :)

Thanks for such a fun day at the Zoo Nene

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Boys

Beckett is just so in love with Camden
He watches his every move-
I would say that Camden is one of Beckett's
favorite toys :)
It's really just adorable.

And I think the feeling is pretty mutual
Camden loves him some Beckett
Always concerned where he is,
what he's doing,
if he's crying,
or if he thinks someone should be talking to him :)

love them
Cam thinks it's pretty cool that they
can take baths together...
kind of :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Oh Beckett Jay
He is now 4 months old
and almost... half the size of his 3 year old brother


how can that be?!.?!

Who are you
How are you growing so fast...
I'm just blown away
I can't even explain.
Well at Beckett's 4 month Doctors appt
He weighs 15 pounds 13 ounces (75%)
YES 75%
and he is 25 inches long -also (75%)
So he's BIG all over :)

I like to compare growth stats between the boys
.....well just because I can.

Camden at 6 months old only weighed 15 lbs 2 oz
B is 2 months younger and already has him beat :)
Way to go Chubs!

I had to take a picture of these arm rolls
ridiculous right.
but just so stinkin cute!
I love you Beckett Jay
aka Chubs