Saturday, October 1, 2011

Louisberg Ciderfest

Beth and I took the boys
Camden, Nathan (Cam's best bud), and Cole
to the Louisberg Ciderfest.
It was such a beautiful day outside-
how could we pass up the chance.
First the little boys got to ride pony's-
It was Cam's first pony ride ever-
he's never been big enough-
he was excited, but I was super excited.
He's such a big boy,
but really he's so little :)
Nathan also enjoyed his pony ride-
these boys are growing up way to fast
Here's all 3 of them enjoying the inflatable slide
Again they are best buds-
holding hands
Camden was actually having a great time,
even though he looks a little scared in this pic-
He got a balloon dinosaur made for him-
he loved it!
Then there was this little Irish Jig band playing music-
did you guys know that Camden LOVES music-
so him and Nathan were dancing up a storm
posing for Mom
And just loving life!