Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween!
This was also Camden's first time getting to go
He loved it more than I thought he would.
Once he figured out what to do-
he didn't stop running for over an hour.

He was our little Lightning Mcqueen
Here's all of his friends-
Sloane, Emory (aka Murry), Hudson,
Calvin (who didn't like his costume)
And little baby Hayden

Camden did this alot-
running, fall, and spill all his candy
too cute b/c he was just so excited!

See running-
this was the view I had most of the time

This was my homemade costume-
figured I needed to do something with the
little guy in my belly too-
turned out pretty good I thought
(for having to free hand it all)
look at the amount of candy this kid got-
we were so shocked!
Well I guess Justin and I have sweets for awhile
Cam will eat the suckers, but that's about it
What a great time!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

This Halloween was Camden's first experience with
Carving pumpkins.
He loved picking them out, and the talk of carving,
But when it came down to it-
He doesn't like to get dirty.
So after sticking his hand inside the pumpkin to clean it out
He was done.

He had picked out 2 pumpkins
1 for him and 1 for baby
( how sweet)
This one is for the baby
We decided to decorate it with stickers
and then he thought the pumpkin needed
Ears, a chin, and some hair-
Which he drew on with a marker :)
Here's the one pic I have of him actually putting his hand inside the pumpkin
the rest of them look a little something like this one
he was very interested in what Daddy was doing
notice that he's barely touching the pumpkin-
Just with his fingertips-
I've created a super clean little man
The finished products
He loved them!
But all the other pics I have he's looking at the pumpkins
( not the camera)
He did love to blow out the candle

Good thing we have a birthday coming up

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

So In love

Today we got to see our new little man again-
the wonderful women at the hospital I work at
let us come back in to take a quick peek at him-
so Justin could see this one
Look at those cheeks!
He was face down into my uterus-
so it was hard to get pics of his little chubby face-
he's already camera shy
He's yawning here

Such a sleepy boy-
hopefully this means he'll be a good sleeper when he's born

I am just so in love with this little guy growing in my belly-
I can't wait to meet him
I can't wait to see him and Camden together
Only 4 1/2 more weeks to go-
hopefully it goes by fast b/c I'm ready to be a mom of 2 boys!

Monday, October 10, 2011

KC Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Patch!
It was a great time!
So much to do
so many kids
There were some HUGE pumpkins
so we asked Camden to sit on one-
we turn around and he's sitting on this one
so cute!
There were so many toys and slides to play on

He got to sit on a tractor-
he thought that was really cool
Here's all the kiddos
I took a bunch of pics and this is
the closest one to everyone looking at me.
It's left to right
Emory, Hayden, Camden, Calvin, and Sloane
they all had a great time
Cam is trying to lift this pumpkin-
can you see the expression on his face
There was a tractor that pulled some
wagons behind it-
He loved this.....a lot
Family Pic
And just pure cuteness

more belly pics

Here are a couple more "belly" pics
that I wanted to share with all of you.
These were taken a few weeks ago-
I don't think my belly has grown much since these pics were taken

For those of you that don't know
we have a scheduled C/S on 11.11.11

Just can't wait!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Apple Picking

First off there are a ton of pics in this blog....
We took Camden Apple Picking for the first time
(I think it was mine and Justin's first time too)
It was a great time!
Something I would like to do every year.

Camden helping Daddy carry the apple picker
Who needs that thing
when you can just stand on your tip toes

Or have Dad lift you up :)

He decided to give the apple picker
(sorry I don't know it's official name)
a try

Then back to being lifted up
At least on Mom Cam has a shelf to sit on...
or his baby brother
He climbed trees
Put all of his apples in the bag
And even got to see and feed a Llama
When he saya llama it sounds like Mama
too cute
This was the face he had around the Llama
he wasn't sure what to think of it
He got to jump in the bounce house
And then he waited patiently for the balloon man
to make him a balloon frog
(that was Camden's request....the frog)
Then he got to play and feed the ducks
he loved it
And finally
after all the apple picking
we came home and made our first homemade
apple pie.
I thought it was delicious -
Camden on the other hand
"I can't like it"
Oh well can't please them all

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


OK so it's only taken me 2 months longer than it did with Cam
to finally finish this room.
But I love it-
I love being able to go and sit in there
and imagine what it's going to be like
having 2 little boys.
I am so very excited!

I can't wait to meet our newest little man

Maternity Pics

We had maternity pics taken-
I love love love them!
Camden did very well- minus needing
a sucker or stickers here and there :)
These are some of my favs-
there are many many more-
but too many to post.

Camden sooo get his little chubby cheeks from me-
at least he has something of mine :)

This is such a great little family pic

This tag should say 11.11.11
We have a scheduled C/S that day