Monday, June 6, 2011

San Diego

What a great family vacation!
We definitely learned a few things about traveling with a toddler.
We did so much a I of course took sooo many pics-
that I'm going to break it down into each day.

Camden didn't really enjoy waking up at 4:30 am,
but he did great- he even slept on the plane for a bit.

The flight was at 6:30- and these guys are so happy

Naptime- and yep he's still a thumb sucker- but luckily he only does it when he sleeps

Movie time!

Had to put this pic in- we had a layover in Las Vegas-
Camden's first time playing the slots :)
He really did think it was a game for him to play

When we arrived in SD, got all our luggage (you have alot with a toddler), and
got the rental car- we headed to the resort.
The plan was to let Cam nap, but our room wasn't ready-
So we decided to hit up the beach (that way if he got to fussy- it wasn't such a big deal)

I thought he would love playing in the sand and water, but
to my surprise- he hated it! It took him 45 minutes to even step into the sand.
But once he did- he loved it! he was then off running and playing in the water too.

Once we got him to walk in the sand- it took a bit to get him to go in the water-He didn't want it to touch him :)

backing up

and backing up some more.

We finally decided that he was just going to have to do it- so here's how it went- Mom dangling him over the water :)

Not to long after he was running and playing- ahving a great time!

We got back to our room and tried to lay him down to rest- and of course that didn't work- it seems like once you've skipped naptime then it's game over. So we all got ready to go eat at a mexican restaurant that was recommened to us. It was good and a fun experience, but little man was getting tired. So we headed back. On the way to the resort Camden asked for me to hold him and said that he wanted out- (these are things he doesn't do in the car). I climbed in the backseat just in time to catch vomit.....lovely. Poor little man was so tired (maybe a little car sick) that he just couldn't help it. Got to the room, bathtime, washed a carseat, and had laundry done.

Everyone went to bed early that night- Cam woke up feeling great- his usual little firecracker self.