Tuesday, June 7, 2011

San Diego- Day 2


Cam woke in a great mood-

so we all got ready and headed to Seaworld.
I was really excited to go and see the shows
(this trip was not about what I wanted-Camden ran the show)

At Seaworld we went to 2 shows- 1 dolphins and the other Shamu.
I liked them, Justin liked them, but Camden did not.
He sat on the ground and would barely
even look at the shows- not sure what was going on.

He did peek up to watch one show a few times- and we were able to catch some smiles

(made for a rough start to the Day)
Once we got moving he was alot happier.
He got to see Nemo and Dori- which he loved,
and the penguins were probably his favorite (at Seaworld).
He called them all "Wheezy" (from Toy Story).

Back to the resort for naptime.
Then when he woke it was off to a water park to play.
Sometimes I think this boy was supposed to be a fish-
b/c he absolutely LOVES the water (or wok-er) as he calls it.

He played and played and played.
I think he went down the slide a hundred times-
It was closing time and he still didn't want to go.
We all dried off and went to get dinner-

Went to Hodads- a hamburger joint recommended to us.
we got it to go and took it to the beach and enjoyed the sunset :)

(this pic got deleted...sorry- I will re-post)
Mommy and Camden- man I love this kid!

Our beautiful Sunset for our little family dinner :)