Sunday, May 22, 2011


We took Camden to his first Royals Game of the year.
It was alot of fun, just a long day.

We tailgated before, enjoying delicious food.
Then at the game enjoyed more food
(and drinks for those who could have them :) )

Camden was VERY good, considering that the game
was right at naptime.

So proud of some of the choices he made during the tailgate....broccoli

He had such a great time

His partner in crime (Sloane)
was worn out from the tailgate.
She partied to hard :)
Too cute!

Family Pic
Cam's looking a little tired

To partially give him praise for making
good choices at the tailgate,
and partially give him some sugar to keep him awake,
(since it was naptime), Cam got some Ice Cream-
He thought it was awesome!

All in all it was a good day
Camden crashed right after we got on the road
Hopefully we can do that again this Summer