Monday, May 30, 2011


Last night the little tyke in my belly did a somersault-It was amazing! I wasn't feeling the greatest so it was wonderful that he decided to make his big move so that I knew he was ok.

I had been feeling him "swim" around for about a week off and on-and I thought I felt a kick the other day, but I wasn't for sure.

So last night (15 weeks and 1 day) was the official first movement!

Yeah! We can't wait to meet you.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Great News

Well to start our day
Our little man woke up with a dry diaper-
So even though we have attempted the potty thing
a million times-
We thought we would give it a shot-
YEAH!!! He went potty on the BIG boy potty!
Justin and I were his very own Cheerleaders
in the bathroom with him.
He thought that was great!

It was a first, and don't think this means he's ready,
but it was a HUGE start
We're so proud of our Big Boy!

Then in the afternoon we had a doctors appointment-
we all got to go
We found out that we are having another
We couldn't be happier

Here's the newest pic of our "coming soon" little man

And here is his parts-
Sorry it's hard to see and explain

The arrow is pointing to his penis
It's like he is sitting on the camera
So left butt cheek on the left of the pic
and right on the right.
on the right you also see his leg,
it is bent so you kind of see the bottom of his foot.

It was really funny with the sono tech-
she told us that it's really early,
so no guarantee that we would be able to tell the sex.
She said she would only tell us if she was very sure.
She is the same tech that told us Cam was a boy
at 14 weeks-
so we had faith

The second she put it on my belly,
she went "whoop, It's a boy"
She said she was so shocked that it was right there.
He really was showing off his goods-
He wanted us to make sure we knew he's a boy

Ok Now for some belly pics so you all can see how BIG and quickly I'm growing
Sorry, some of these are "naked" belly shots

4 Weeks- already a little bump (pic above)
6 Weeks

8 Weeks

10 Weeks

12 weeks
14 weeks

Well I hope you all have enjoyed hearing about our Great Day
and see some pics of the Baby Weigel growing so quickly
that mom is showing quickly too (no judging please)
We'll keep you all posted- see ya soon

Sunday, May 22, 2011


We took Camden to his first Royals Game of the year.
It was alot of fun, just a long day.

We tailgated before, enjoying delicious food.
Then at the game enjoyed more food
(and drinks for those who could have them :) )

Camden was VERY good, considering that the game
was right at naptime.

So proud of some of the choices he made during the tailgate....broccoli

He had such a great time

His partner in crime (Sloane)
was worn out from the tailgate.
She partied to hard :)
Too cute!

Family Pic
Cam's looking a little tired

To partially give him praise for making
good choices at the tailgate,
and partially give him some sugar to keep him awake,
(since it was naptime), Cam got some Ice Cream-
He thought it was awesome!

All in all it was a good day
Camden crashed right after we got on the road
Hopefully we can do that again this Summer

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Baby Sprinkle

All of us girls have a wonderful friend Named
She and her husband(Dan) have recently brought home their
new baby who was a preemie home.
Hayden Thomas Huntington

We all thought to throw her a Baby Sprinkle
(ya know instead of a shower :) )
It was alot of fun, b/c all the Daddy's
had all the little ones and us Mommy's
could hang out and spend some
time together

As a treat I made brownie pops-
Nope I didn't come up with this idea on my own
It was thanks to a fellow blogger,
a friend Chelsea (Thanks Girlie)

They were so easy to make and turned out to be
cute and delicious

They are simple- bake brownies (leave them a little gooey)
Roll into balls, stick lollipop sticks in them
dip in chocolate (white or dark)
sprinkle and pop them in the fridge for 30 minutes

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I Can't help but to share
cute pics of my little man

I can't even begin to explain
to you all how much
I love this little thing
I'm sure it's a Mom (or parent) thing
It's Crazy!!

Oh and I'm just a little over 13 weeks preggers now
We go to the doc on Tues
So I will post pics of the BIG belly after that

Schools out for Summer

I can't believe it-
schools out!
It went by so fast

When school started, Camden did not enjoy going for about 8 weeks
granted he only goes on Tuesday
But now it's a whole new ballgame-
He LOVES going
He LOVES playing with his friends
He has learned so much

We have enrolled him in next year
since he won't be old enought to go to

Now it's time to enjoy Summer
Pools and Play here we come!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nathan's 3rd Bday!

Camden has a best bud named Nathan-
we've posted about him before
these boys just love each other to pieces.
It's adorable!

Nathan turned 3- YEA!
and had a fishing party-
which is something that Cam had never done before

So Justin and I took him to his party-
Me to take pics and Daddy to help him catch a fish
which they did-
He absolutely loved it!
Of course right- what boy doesn't love to get dirty and
throw rocks in the pond

Dad and Cam fishing- very serious business

Here's Daddy and Cam's fish-Cam was a little hesitant at first about touching it

Especially when it started to flop around

Nathan on the other hand is a true little fisherman
He wanted to hold it and kiss it

It's so much fun having a great girlfriend
that has a little man that's the same age (about) as Camden
We all do so much together

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Birdie Egg

It so much fun to let Cam explore nature-
we have a nest in our fence-
and inside is a birdie egg.

Everytime we go outside Camden wants to
go see the birdie egg and for him
to "wakie up Birdie"

Unfortunately with a wind storm recently
We lost the birdie egg
It fell out of his nest and broke on the ground

So now Camden says that the birdie egg is broken
Very sad and I hope that we get another one
b/c Camden just adores birds

When we go on walks he's always looking for birdies
He's always saying "nother one, nother one"
He likes to put food out for them too-
oh and want them eat "hass" (aka grass)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is just an amazing day in itself-
We get to appreciate our own Mothers for all they do and
everything they are.
And now to get to experience it myself with a wonderful child
and another on the way.....I can't even explan how it
makes me feel

Justin, Camden, and I went to Powell Gradens for the morning.
It was a beautiful day outside which made it all the better
Powell Gardens have a Jurassic Theme going on
and we thought it would be neat for Camden to get to see the
He loves "Rex" from the movie Toy Story

Me with my little man who doesn't like to sit still-
so sorry he's not looking at the camera

Cams cool "hasses" as he calls them

Cam checking out Rex

Snack time under the shaded area near a pond- it was great!

We hope that everyone had a great Mother's Day!
We love you Moms!