Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Snowball Fight

Wowzer it actually snowed!
Camden has been so excited to play in the snow (last year he didn't get to, bc it didn't snow).
He didn't care that it was freezing outside. I bundled him ALL up and me just a little (which I regretted quickly)
and we went out to play. He dove right in and was making snow angels and then throwing snowballs at me. 5 minutes in- I was freezing, but he just wanted to throw more snowballs. Man this kid is serious! So we played a bit longer (small compromise) and inside to defrost we went.
What a great time to see how happy a little snow made this little boy!
So excited!
Getting bundled up to go play
First thing..
dove into making snow angels
Snowball fight
And our very sad snowman-
in our defense the snow was so fluffy that it
didn't stick together well-
so he was more like a snow hill man :)