Monday, May 7, 2012

Outside fun!

Love love love the weather! And love it more when all 4 of us can be together and spend time outside playing. Camden loves the water- we can't wait to take him swimming. And beckett just loves to be outside, he wasn't the biggest fan of the water (it was too cold) but we had so much fun!
Beckett hanging out under a tree- loves to watch Camden....doing anything

Just eat him up cute!
He loves that water table                                        

                            sneaking up on his slide to try to spray us ...
                                instead he end up spraying his swing :)
                        Daddy turned his slide into a waterslide....amazing!
                        And Daddy was the BEST sprinkler there is!
                           Chased him around the yard forever!
                            We can't wait for all the Summer festivities to start
                                                               What a great afternoon! I loved it! Feel so blessed