Thursday, May 17, 2012

B is 6 months old

OK I might cry. My baby is growing way way way to fast, he's so big, he's not really a baby anymore, AND to top it all of his favorite person is...... Daddy. ugh! ok don't get me wrong- we all love Daddy, but he's supposed to be my baby, my little baby for just a little bit longer. And I think he said "Da Da" in his crib the other day- I heard it one morning and Justin heard it another day- but I'm not counting it as his first word quite yet :) i know i know I just can't let go :( Well he had his 6 month check up and I totally thought that he would be OFF the charts for weight, but he's not. He weighs 18.7 pounds (70%) and is 27 inches long (75%)- so big , but I guess not to big. He needs to start eating some food (baby food) but he seems to be having troubles swallowing.... we have been trying now for 2 weeks and we have tried rice cereal (mixed with breast milk) thin, a little thicker, warm, cold, morning, evening, sitting upright, and having his highchair tipped all the way back- nothing seems to help. ( any thoughts from me :) )oh and we even switched to oatmeal too. He loves to sit in his highchair and open his mouth, just doesn't want to swallow- all the food will just sit there until it falls out the front of his mouth down his chin....hummmm. He's at the age where he needs the food and the extra iron, so I hope he turns the corner soon. I'm going to try sweet potatoes this weekend just to see if maybe he doesn't like the flavor of the others, but the doctor also recommended a certain cereal bottle feeder thing- so we are going to try that too(short term). So let's see what I can tell ya about Beckett's world:: he does loves to eat- breast feed or breast milk out of a bottle, so much that I had to cut out a bottle a day b/c he was taking so much.  We are now down to eating 5 times a day- He goes to bed at 8:30 sleeps all night and wakes between 6 and 7am- pretty great (we like the 7 b/c Cam gets up at 7 too- just works out :) Like I said before he love him some Daddy- he will break his neck looking for him if he hears him talking (it's actually pretty cute) Beckett loves to be outside, loves to go on walks/runs- thank goodness for double strollers! I do think we own about 5 strollers total now (insane!) Right when he turned 6 months old he started to sit up on his own really well. He was sitting- leaning over on his arms a couple weeks before that, but now he's really good at it. Also right at 6 months old I left him for the first time :( It was for a wedding of wonderful friends and we had so much fun, but I missed him tons. Justin had left him before and it's just different for Mom's. Plus when you're breast feeding and you still have to pump when you're away from....well that's just no fun. But we made it thru thanks to the amazing Nene (my Mom)- she cam down and stayed with both the boys (and the dogs) God love her. Again we are so blessed to have family around to help us out and want to spend a few solid days with our young children :) it can kind of be chaos.
love him!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Outside fun!

Love love love the weather! And love it more when all 4 of us can be together and spend time outside playing. Camden loves the water- we can't wait to take him swimming. And beckett just loves to be outside, he wasn't the biggest fan of the water (it was too cold) but we had so much fun!
Beckett hanging out under a tree- loves to watch Camden....doing anything

Just eat him up cute!
He loves that water table                                        

                            sneaking up on his slide to try to spray us ...
                                instead he end up spraying his swing :)
                        Daddy turned his slide into a waterslide....amazing!
                        And Daddy was the BEST sprinkler there is!
                           Chased him around the yard forever!
                            We can't wait for all the Summer festivities to start
                                                               What a great afternoon! I loved it! Feel so blessed

Friday, May 4, 2012

I had to do it.....

So sorry Beckett Jay I guess We/I needed proof that I do NOT need a daughter I would not know how to do hair :) and before we decide to cut his off, I had to put it up.
Here's how he looked by the end of it and he was pulling at the piggy tails- I have to admit, it was pretty cute, but also that I suck at doing little people hair. Props to all you mommies of girls out there!