Wednesday, December 26, 2012


What a great time of year, love, love, and more love.
My parents came up to stay with us, so on Xmas Eve we did our traditional Mexican food and opened some presents. Camden of course just loved to open presents, Beckett...not so interested. Luckily Cam was willing to help B open his too. Then Cam wanted to help everyone open presents- haha!

ready, set, go!
My little!
Nene and Papa with the kiddos
Cam is so excited to open his presents
...ok all/everyones presents
Christmas Day we hosted at our house- My parents, The Weigels, John, Cyndi,  Grandma Margaret, and the Bethmans all came over to eat the wonderful food that Justin prepared. He fried a turkey (which was delicious) as he always does.
After quality Family time and eating, then we were off to opening presents again ;)
Camden helped to pass them out, but he thought any gift that had his name on the package (even if it was in the from spot) that it was for him. Then again he wanted to help everyone open their presents. Very sweet and caring that other people got gifts too and he wanted to make sure that they liked their gifts as well.
Santa brought Camden the bike he asked for
And B this little car to drive
He's got a lot of learning to do :)
Me and my adorable little chubs
My favorite people in the world!
Nene and Papa
The moms
Cali just being Cali
Tutu and Pepa
Justin frying his turkey
(it was delicious)
Celebrating Jesus's Birthday
(baby jesus according to Cam)
Great Grandma Margaret
Aunt Linda and Uncle Donnie
So glad that they all could join us this year!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Elfie....we will miss you

The woman who created Elf on the Shelf
is brilliant!
Elfie is our Elf and Camden just loves him soo much!
We had a great month of December (i'm thinking it was due to Elfie watching over him) On Elfie's last day he wrote the boys a note that said Santa would take away his magic for a few minutes so that he could hug, kiss, and play with him. It was absolutely adorable!
He was a little shy to touch him at first
But then soo happy
Hugs for Elfie
Sweet kisses
And a few times of flying in the sky
He was sad for a few days following,
but now it's all good and he'll look forward
to him next year!

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I am such a softie for my childrens artwork. I absolutely love things made with their hands and feet. So I decided to make a calendar of their handprints and footprints. I wanted one and I also made one for each Grandma and for Sarah (our Nanny). It was a lot of hard work- took me a few months (but I didn't work on it all the time, but again very time consuming).
I think the calendar speaks for itself
Sorry some of the pics turned sideways...
I'll try to figure it out

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Snowball Fight

Wowzer it actually snowed!
Camden has been so excited to play in the snow (last year he didn't get to, bc it didn't snow).
He didn't care that it was freezing outside. I bundled him ALL up and me just a little (which I regretted quickly)
and we went out to play. He dove right in and was making snow angels and then throwing snowballs at me. 5 minutes in- I was freezing, but he just wanted to throw more snowballs. Man this kid is serious! So we played a bit longer (small compromise) and inside to defrost we went.
What a great time to see how happy a little snow made this little boy!
So excited!
Getting bundled up to go play
First thing..
dove into making snow angels
Snowball fight
And our very sad snowman-
in our defense the snow was so fluffy that it
didn't stick together well-
so he was more like a snow hill man :)


No you're really not seeing twins ;) This is Beckett on the left at 13 months and Mommy on the right at 12 months- yep he's mine!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Santa visit

We went to see Santa at Bass Pro and of course Cam was super excited to see him and tell him everything he wanted. Beckett on the other hand wasn't so excited. He was doing good looking at him from a distance, but the second he sat on Santa's lap and turned to look at him- it was instant crying. Poor buddy, but super cute! Cam did the same thing at that age and I just love it!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Family Pics

I love having pictures taken, I love making memories, So here's a few

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Birthday Boys

This year we decided to celebrate the boys birthdays together (since they are a day apart)
We celebrated Camden turning 4 and Beckett turning 1 at Debbie Howards Gym with a lot of friends and family.
I decorated his door with streamers and
balloons- he woke uop and said
"who put this trash on my door?"
too funny!
Justin and my Dad had worked hard the night before
to get his train table ready for him.
He woke up to this big surprise and was
super excited! He loved it!
At the gym- Cam and Nathan racing across the trampoline.
Best Buds
Just playing
Cam and Nathan being silly
The Birthday Boys
Birthday boys ready to eat some cake
Licked the frosting....he wasn't sure what he thought of it
little more eating,
but more just destroying the cake
Now he's just beating the cake and it's flying everywhere
Did I mention it was a Thomas the Train party.
Tutu made both Camden and Becketts cakes
After Cake and ice cream- Cam opened his presents there
and we saved Becketts for him to open the next day
(his actual Bday)
And of course Camden helped him to open them all :)
Thanks to everyone that came to celebrate with our kiddos-
Sloane, Calvin, Hayes, Hayden, Avery, Marly,
Lilly, Ethan, Alexander, Sierra, Hayley, Riley,
Nathan, Cole, Kacie, all their parents,
Sarah, Tyler, Aunt Cyndi, Nene, Papa,
Tutu and Pepa.
It was so great to celebrate with so many people.
Happy Birthday to my boys -I love you both more than
you'll ever know!