Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baby Update

A little update on our pregnancy-
I have been having a lot of contractions lately (bummer)
Most of them seem to be Braxton hicks, but some are more painful and consistent.
Today we had a Dr appt- and I have to cut back on my hours at work (no more 12 hour shifts right now) and start taking a preventative medication daily to help to relax my uterus- and hopefully make for less contractions.

This little guy apparently wants to cause trouble before he's even here-
I don't want to know what he's going to be like when he's born (can we say fiesty) :)

Here are a few of the sono pics that we got today-
he's getting so big that it's kind of hard to fit all of him into the shot
I tried to label this one, b/c it's kind of hard to see - He's basically looking directly at us.
The sono tech said that it looks like he has some chubby cheeks (I guess he gets that from me)

And a profile pic

And this is the bottom of his foot (a little blurry, but still cute)

I'd like to say I can't wait to meet this little person
but I don't want him to come early.
So just sono pics until November