Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Day

Oh Happy Day (or weekend)
I love the feeling of accomplishment!
Camden's big boy bed up=check
Chair rail done=check
Crib put together in the nursery=check

It may not seem like a lot, but it feels good to be getting started
Cam going down for his first nap in his big boy bed
Thanks Nene for the cars sheets- he loves them!

snuggled in there- you can hardly see him-
he's so little in such a big bed

His bed all made

Next onto the Nursery-
as we were moving Camden's old bed into the nursery, he got a little upset saying that it was his bed (too cute)

The Nursery is finally coming along great!
I love it!
There's still a lot of work to do
(like remove the full size bed on the other side of the room)
but we're getting there

Camden's old crib=baby's new crib
And the valence
I love doing this kind of stuff-
I love the feeling of clean and organized

Friday, August 26, 2011


Chair Railing done= Happy Mommy
Thanks to two wonderful men- My Hubby and Christopher Flynn.
I love it! It looks amazing!
Now to get working on the decorations :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baby Update

A little update on our pregnancy-
I have been having a lot of contractions lately (bummer)
Most of them seem to be Braxton hicks, but some are more painful and consistent.
Today we had a Dr appt- and I have to cut back on my hours at work (no more 12 hour shifts right now) and start taking a preventative medication daily to help to relax my uterus- and hopefully make for less contractions.

This little guy apparently wants to cause trouble before he's even here-
I don't want to know what he's going to be like when he's born (can we say fiesty) :)

Here are a few of the sono pics that we got today-
he's getting so big that it's kind of hard to fit all of him into the shot
I tried to label this one, b/c it's kind of hard to see - He's basically looking directly at us.
The sono tech said that it looks like he has some chubby cheeks (I guess he gets that from me)

And a profile pic

And this is the bottom of his foot (a little blurry, but still cute)

I'd like to say I can't wait to meet this little person
but I don't want him to come early.
So just sono pics until November

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

1st day of school

My little boy is all grown up :( Look at this face- he really does look a lot older than he is (he's only 2 yrs 9 months)

This is the face he makes when he says "cheese" and he doesn't even look at the camera

I mean he's just so happy- until he realized that Mommy and Daddy weren't staying at school with him

The day at school ended up going pretty well- he now enjoys going- but he still cries when we leave him

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Steamboat Springs

We went to Steamboat Springs for a friends wedding this past weekend. It was such a good time to see people that we haven't seen in a long time. We left Camden back home with Grandma Tutu- he had a blast too.

The sunset on the drive into the mountains (it was a brutal 3 1/2 hour drive)
Justin and I went to see a waterfall (Fish Creek- I think is the name). It was very pretty!

The gondola ride up to the top of Mt Werner for the wedding (it was a 15 minute ride)

Enjoying the ride
The Happy couple -Todd and Emily Zuber
Us :)

Good firends

Can you believe that all these guys are optometrists.

The trip was a great time- nice little getaway for Mom and Dad before #2 arrives

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


We took Camden to the Zac Brown Band and Kenny Chesney concert that was here in KC at Arrowhead Stadium. He had a blast! All of his favorite songs are by the Zac Brown band- so we figured that he would have a great time. We tailgated- fun but hot.

Can you tell Camden is hot in this pic- he (we all were) dripping in sweat.

He would stand on the chairs and sing his little heart out- people around were so amazed at how good he was being and that he liked the music-

It was a super fun family outing!

Denna Rose

A few pics from the latest trip to Deanna Rose Farm. The older Camden gets- the more fun that he has.

Feeding the goats (one of his many favorite things to do). He has to make sure that he feed his bottle to every goat in the pen- there's probably 30 baby goats

too cute!

He loves to play on the slide

What a great summer- now time for school!