Monday, May 13, 2013

Beckett is 18 months

I can't believe that my baby...(sniff sniff) is 18 months old. He had his doctors visit and well ...
here's his stats:
He's 26 lbs 11oz= 85% (chubs)
and only 32 inches tall=30% (shorty)
so Justin is recommending that we hang him from the gutters :)
Poor little guy.
Also he's still not talking very much- he can say Mama, Dada, yeah, hiya, quack, bath, (tries to say thank you, love you, dog- they don't really sound like it, but he's trying)
But he loves to play play play and copy EVERYTHING that brother does- it's actually pretty cute to watch.
He's very much a boys boy. Loves to be rough, play hard, doesn't care if he falls down. His fav toys right now are his stacking cups (he loves to build towers and knock them over) and his kitchen with food and grocery cart. Outside he loves to swing, go down the slide, ride in his car buggy, and go for walk so he can scream when he sees a bird or bunny- that boy is obsessed! I'm surprised he can't say bird or bunny yet. :)
So Justin totally has his running buddies- they LOVE it!
His fave TV show is Mickey Mouse and he's been getting into Thomas lately thanks to brother. We are planning another trip t Disneyland in Sept - hopefully he'll will enjoy it even more than last year since he's a whole year older :) (and LOVES Mickey!)
B sleeps theu the night - goes to bed at 8 and wakes at 7.
naps at 1:15 until 3:30-5 (crazy sleeper)
He's a  great eater, but still on soy milk, due to a sensative tooshie.
And lastly he loves his mama :) He is totally a mamas boy- if I'm around he only wants me!