Saturday, September 17, 2011

6 years and counting

6 amazing years
and counting!
with baby #2 on the way
Happy Anniversary Babe!
I love you!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Camden and his dogs

I feel like its been a while since I posted any pics of the dogs-
so here ya go.
Camden loves his dogs so much!
They get plenty of love from him-
it may not always be the "nice" kind-
sometimes he likes to step on them,
or try to hug them which you'll see here in a pic-
it looks like choking :)

Camden and Cali
True love= a little boy and his dogs
(see it looks, and probably feels a little like choking)
Poor Patch

Patch is trying to get away,
but Cam is still holding him.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy Grandparents Day!

Happy Grandparents Day
to all the grandparents out there,
but especially Camden's.
He loves them so much and we love that they can be a part of his life.
He made this little poem/handprint for them.

Grandparents are the best!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Play date with Sloane

OK these kiddos are pure cuteness!
It's Sloane and Camden

Daddy and Cam swinging- too cute
It's a race

Yes her shirt says
"Miss Perfect"
it's true- she's the cutest, sweetest little thing
Did ya see the bow and the little ponytail too
(in the above pic)
I mean can I put a bow in Camden's hair.....
Then here's my monster :)
He can be sweet too,
but only when he chooses.
onry and fiesty are better words to explain him at this age

Love these kiddos!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pajama Day

Today was Pajama Day at school-
Camden wasn't sure what to think of it-
He's the kind of kiddo that wakes up, wants to get dressed, and brush his teeth before doing anything else.
But when he realized that it was ok to wear his jammies to school- he started to get excited!
Look at those cheeks!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Playing at the Park

What a beautiful to play at the park.
It feels like it has been forever since we even played outside (thanks to the 100 degree weather)
But today is gorgeous!!
Cam loves the swings
can you tell?
And loves the slide even more

It's hard to get him to look at the camera-
so smiling and looking at the camera is very hard to come by

But he's just so stinkin cute!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Grandma's are such a wonderful thing!
Camden is so lucky to have them in his life.
Here he is with his Nene (my mom)
and Tutu (Justin's mom).
He thinks of them as his own personal toys.
He hasn't been around both of them at the same time in a long time-
so day this blew his little mind :)
Do you see how happy he is :)

Again he thinks of them as his personal toys-
they are constantly playing cars with him
Do you think he has enough cars
(and this isn't even all of them)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Couldn't be Happier

Oh My Goodness
I could not be happier!
Our little guy is doing great and looks healthy!

Let me back up a little bit
Last week at our doctors visit we had a sono (as we always do),
and they thought they saw a problem in his heart
One of his upper chambers looked a little bigger than the other one.

So we went to see a cardiologist to have a Fetal Echo (scan of the baby's heart) done
I was so nervous- didn't know what to expect...
but the Dr said everything looked great!
Whew! What a relief.

Then b/c of my contractions, low placenta, and I guess everything else
that has been going on-
Our OB sent us to a perinatologist (an OB/Baby specialist)-
again super nervous b/c they were going to do a level 2 sono-
who knows what they would find now.
But Everything is Great!
Our little man checks out perfect!
I am so so super relieved- you don't even understand.

At the end of the sono
the Dr decided to do a 3D sono for me-
I was so excited!
I had never seen one before-
it was amazing to watch our little guy in 3D-
move around, suck, open his mouth, and try to cover his face with his hand.
I'm totally in love!
I can't wait until November to met this little person.

So here are a few pics from the 3D sono.
They do seem to look a little creepy as pictures,
but when I just was getting to watch him-
it was amazing!
He was asleep for most of the 3D scan-
but I found out he has chubby cheeks already,
likes his hands by his face, and likes to have his mouth open.
Here he is looking at you
left hand up on his left side of his head,
right elbow by his right cheek
(chubby cheeks)
Again hand on the head
Such a cute little nose and mouth
His legs and feet-
crossed at the ankles
At the end he was trying to cover his face
opening his hand up and placing it over his face-
attitude :)
Hope the pics weren't to creepy
I am just so in love with this little person!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Our 3rd Practice

Welcome to our 3rd Private Optometry Practice!
Yep we just bought another office.
I guess my husband and his business partner
don't think that they are busy enough. :)

We just took over the practice on Sept 1st-
so do still have a few things we want to the place,
but here are some pics

The name is 20/20 Eyecare-
we have some plans to fix the sign on the outside of the building to say this

Inside the optical

I'm so proud of Justin-
he is always such an over achiever.
Nice work Babe!